Race Report M2 - Day 4

Day 4 - Result: rowed over

Starting positions: Queens’ M2 - St Catharine’s M2 - Christ’s M2 - Peterhouse M2 - LMBC M3

Held station with Queen’s off the start, up to Plough Reach. Christ's, knowing that LMBC would outpace them over the course, pushed very hard off the start, and closed in on us, to within half a boat-length. But we thought only of Queens’ ahead, and made our first move on Plough Reach - they defended well and we were still on station with them around Ditton Corner and onto the Long Reach. After 200m we unleashed a second offensive, and gradually began to close the gap, to a boat length under the Railway Bridge. We then threw everything at them, grinding them down - to two whistles and half a boat-length as we passed the P&E, then just a canvas as we headed towards the finish. James called for the kill and we had overlap, but Queens’ saved themselves across the finish line (and collapsed) - narrowly denying us the final bump, in what was a worthy, epic battle. The greatest respect to an incredible Catz M2 crew, for giving everything over the term and in every race, deservedly making this such a successful bumps campaign!