Bumped First and Third III
On the final day, we were chasing a spooning First and Third III. However, we knew from the results at Robinson Head that they definitely had the potential to match our speed, and so we prepared to row a long race once again.
After some fun and games trying to stop drifting into the barges above Chesterton before going to the start, we arrived on station just as the 4 minute gun went. The start (unlike the practices we'd done) was one of the best we'd produced during the week, and we strode to 34, intent to grind them down over the course.
The rowing was hard work into the headwind, but we were rewarded with our first whistle halfway along first post reach. By the time we entered the corner the gap was down to almost half a length, and a brilliant line from Clare edged us closer. A determined power 10 in the gut took the remaining distance and we secured the bump on the entrance to grassy.
An absolutely fantastic performance by the crew, 5 of whom had never been in a boat before October, and despite losing 2 weeks of training to a frozen river. Many thanks to Ivan Scales, without whose coaching this result would not have been possible.